Streamline Network Management in Windows 10 with a Handy Batch Script

Are you tired of manually configuring network settings on your Windows 10 device? Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and streamline your workflow with this convenient batch script!

In today's fast-paced world, efficiency is key. Whether you're enabling/disabling WiFi adapters, connecting to different networks, or releasing/renewing IP addresses, this batch script has got you covered.

Interactive Content:

  1. WiFi Management: Easily enable or disable your WiFi adapter with a simple command.
  2. Network Connection: Connect to your preferred WiFi network seamlessly by providing the SSID and password.
  3. IP Address Management: Release and renew IP addresses effortlessly for smooth network troubleshooting.
  4. DNS Cache Flushing: Keep your DNS cache clean and up-to-date for improved browsing performance.
  5. IP Configuration Display: Quickly view your device's IP configuration for network diagnostics.
  6. Routing Table: Access your routing table to optimize network traffic flow.

Windows 10, Batch Script, Network Management, WiFi Settings, Automation, Productivity

Streamline network management in Windows 10 effortlessly with this handy batch script. Enable/disable WiFi, connect to networks, release/renew IP addresses, and more with ease! Boost productivity and simplify network configurations today.



  1. Open Notepad or any text editor.
  2. Copy and paste the above script into the editor.
  3. Save the file with a .bat extension, for example, network_settings.bat.
  4. Run the batch file by double-clicking it.


@echo off

REM --- Network and WiFi Settings Batch Script for Windows 10 ---

REM --- Enable WiFi Adapter ---
netsh interface set interface "Wi-Fi" admin=enable

REM --- Disable WiFi Adapter ---
:: netsh interface set interface "Wi-Fi" admin=disable

REM --- Connect to a WiFi Network (replace "SSID" and "password" with your network's SSID and password) ---
:: netsh wlan connect name="SSID" ssid="SSID" interface="Wi-Fi" key="password"

REM --- Disconnect from WiFi Network ---
:: netsh wlan disconnect

REM --- Show Available WiFi Networks ---
:: netsh wlan show networks mode=Bssid

REM --- Release IP Address ---
:: ipconfig /release

REM --- Renew IP Address ---
:: ipconfig /renew

REM --- Flush DNS Cache ---
:: ipconfig /flushdns

REM --- Display IP Configuration ---
:: ipconfig /all

REM --- Display Routing Table ---
:: route print

